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Aayami tyre tube guard

Extend the life of tyres with Aayami tyre tube guard

What to do when your car or bike tyre got bust on road or in mid of your way? Tyre puncture is quite a common issue and can be caused at any time. This is really very frustrating to change the tyre by yourself or search for the tyre repair service center to change your punctured tyre. Why don’t think about to take care of your tyre by the help of Tyre tube guard. This will be an ideal solution of your frequent tyre puncture problems.

Benefits of using Tyre tube guard:

  • Tyre tube guard prevents your tyres to get punctured frequently.
  • It protects all type of tyres and tubes from being hot due to friction. So you can safe your ride with the help of tyre tube guard.
  • Improves the fuel efficiency (mileage) of your vehicle.
  • It helps to maintain proper air pressure in your tyre or tube.
  • Helps to reduce increasing temperature of tyres while running.
  • It reduces the chances of tyre burst so it can save you and your family from the possible severe road accidents.
  • With the help of tyre tube guard, your vehicle’s Tyre or tube puncture gets sealed automatically and instantly. So it can save your valuable time, efforts and money.
  • No frequent air filling is needed, as the air pressure is well maintained for the longer duration.
  • This is a one-time investment. It will work for the lifetime of tyres and tubes.


Aayami Tyre tube guard is an USA product so it is internationally tested and proved.  It works well in all seasons and temperature. It can extend the life of your vehicle’s tyre and best thing is that it can be easily filled. So without wasting time, get aayami tyre tube guard for your vehicle and have hassle-free and safe drive.



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